Nationally Recognised Accredited Courses

Provide CPR HLTAID009
Provide First Aid HLTAID011
Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting HLTAID012
Course in First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis 22578VIC
Perform a Rescue from a Live Low Voltage Panel UETDRMP007
Work Safely in the Vicinity of Live Electrical Apparatus
(non-electrical worker)
Recognise Healthy Body Systems HLTAAP001
Provide Pain Management
Provide Advanced First Aid HLTAID014
Provide Basic Life Support HLTAID010
Provide Advanced Resuscitation & O2 Therapy HLTAID015
Course in the Management of Asthma Risks 22556VIC
Conducting Manual Tasks Safely (Personal Care Worker)
Conducting Manual Tasks Safely (General Industry)

Non-Accredited Courses

Baby and Kids First Aid Workshop
Moving Safe and Smart
Resuscitation Mask
Standard Mental Health First Aid

Group and student discounts available.
Contact us for more information and private group bookings.

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